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Jun 27, 2019

Meet Tedx speaker, Megan Gallagher, who has turned her anxiety into purpose now as a mental health advocate for young adults. She’s an author, blogger and a speaker and she’s just 23 years old. 

Did you know, one in three teens will feel chronic anxiety? This is an alarming statistic! Today on the Soul School...

Jun 24, 2019

OH MY GOSH! We did it! Can you believe it – 50 podcast episodes. Of course, being my 50th episode, we gotta talk about GRATITUDE! Because I couldn’t do this without you! I am so grateful you are part of my tribe, and thank you for sharing this podcast and listening. I’m grateful to be part of your life each week...

Jun 19, 2019

This podcast is broken into two parts because shadow work is a very deep, complicated and huge part of awakening to our true nature. We will dive into specific examples of what dark and light shadows are, how you can detect a shadow and ways to integrate them back to your whole self. I share my personal relationship...

Jun 17, 2019

I listened to an incredible episode on Super Soul Conversations, the podcast with Oprah and Elizabeth Gilbert. Elizabeth spoke about her best friend’s death from cancer and how she fell in love with her best friend and was with her until the very last moment. I cried like a baby all the way home while listening to...

Jun 10, 2019

My mother-in-law visited us this week. Before I tell you this story, please know I love my mother-in-law. She is such a nice, sweet person. Jill, if you’re listening, I love you.

Even though I love my mother-in-law and we get a long really well, we are each individual humans raised differently and will have different...