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May 28, 2023

Usually when we’re happy, it’s because we received what we wanted.


We’re grateful AFTER something has happened to us.


But doing it this way (with cause then effect) is fleeting because it keeps us chasing the next thing that promises to bring us the elevated  feeling we want to feel.


What would happen if...

May 28, 2023

Paolo Coelho said “the simple things are also the most extraordinary things. Only the wise can see them.”

Children have an innate sense of wonder and curiosity. But as adults, we lost our curiosity and would rather be right and know. Wonder opens our eyes to the magic within and around us.

It invites a sense of...

May 21, 2023

Currently I’m training for a 10K. I’ve never done a race, let alone run 2 miles straight in my life. When I’m starting to feel empowered, my dark shadow, fat kid Freddy coerces me to go to the pantry to eat chips or swing through the drive through to “treat” myself.

This self-sabotage is the device of my...

May 14, 2023

Isn’t it interesting that one person only sees problems and pitfalls because of their challenges, while another sees potential and possibilities, despite their challenges?


The power of perspective helps us see the truth.


This week in the MINDFUL PAUSE PODCAST, we explore “SAT” which means truth in Sanskrit.


May 7, 2023


This month, on the mindful pause podcast each week we’ll explore the concept of SAT-CHIT-ANANDA (existence, conscoiusness, bliss) and how to live this intention each day.

Through consciousness (CHIT) , we can see the truth (SAT) as it is. We see the situation (not how we want it to bem but as it really is), we see...